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Waves – Interrupted Proof Chain
The original waveforms can be quite different. What then proves the agreement of the wave snippet with the supposed gravitational wave signal? The probability that the mother waves are relativistic is practically zero. There are obviously an infinite number of waveforms that take on the appearance of the matching Chirp after data processing. And one divided by infinity is zero. In this way the proof chain is interrupted exactly here.
Gravitationswellen – unterbrochene Nachweiskette
Streng genommen haben LIGO VIGRO Detektoren weder Gravitationswellen noch die Existenz von dazugehörigen Schwarzen Löchern nachgewiesen, weil die Nachweiskette schon gleich am Anfang unterbrochen ist.
Гравитационные волны – разорванная
цепь доказательств
Строго говоря детекторы LIGO и VIRGO не
обнаружили гравитационных волн и не
подтвердили существование черных дыр,
потому что цепочка подтверждений
прервана уже в самом начале.
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